Books That Shaped Me

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What’s a book that left an impression on you?

Mastery by Robert Greene

That the treasure you seek lies within you.

The catalyst for the creation of my first book, “Zero to Hero—The Rookie Investor’s Manifesto.” 

“Mastery” by Robert Greene isn’t just a book—it’s a profound journey into the depths of human potential and the relentless pursuit of growth. Greene, known for his sharp insights on power and strategy, dives into the lives of history’s greatest masters—think Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and many others—to uncover the secrets behind their extraordinary achievements.

In “Mastery,” Greene lays out paths for anyone looking to achieve their own mastery. Through a blend of historical anecdotes, psychological insights, and practical advice, he shows that true mastery isn’t about having innate talent and intelligence but about relentless dedication, continuous learning, and an unyielding commitment to your craft or crafts. Consolidating all of those interests into one marvellous creation.

This book has profoundly shaped my approach to personal and professional growth. It taught me the importance of embracing a long-term perspective, the value of mentorship and apprenticeship, and the necessity of deep focus. Greene’s wisdom has been a guiding light in my journey, reminding me that the road to mastery is a marathon, not a sprint, and that it aligns with your unique gifts.

As you explore “mastery,” you’ll discover the empowering realisation that greatness is within your grasp. It challenges you to push beyond your limits, to learn from the masters who came before you, and to embark on your own path to mastery with renewed vigour and purpose.

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What’s a book that opened your eyes to a new perspective?

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia MDBill Gifford

To live our best lives, we must prioritise our health. It is the foundation upon which all wealth is built.

This captivating read unravels the complexities of the human lifespan, weaving together cutting-edge scientific research with practical insights into lifestyle choices. Through meticulous analysis and engaging storytelling, Dr. Attia and Gifford unveil the intricate web of factors that influence our longevity, from genetics and nutrition to exercise and social connections.

In their exploration, they delve into the common diseases that plague longevity, aptly named the four horsemen. Many people accept these diseases as natural parts of ageing, yet there are outliers who seem unaffected. Is it purely genetics, or can we influence our specific tissues and molecules to our advantage to extend our lives? Dr. Attia explores these questions, providing insights into the genetic, medical interventions and environmental factors that contribute to exceptional longevity.

Dr. Attia also examines the advancements in medicine, transitioning from Medicine 1.0 to 2.0, and introduces what he calls Medicine 3.0. While the global average lifespan may have extended into the mid-80s, the quality of life hasn’t kept pace. This book offers actionable strategies for optimising health and quality of life, providing a roadmap for harnessing scientific advancements and age-old wisdom to enhance both the quantity and quality of your years.

Whether you’re a health enthusiast seeking to unlock the secrets of vitality or simply curious about the science behind ageing, “Outlive” offers a wealth of valuable insights. It empowers readers with evidence-based recommendations for longevity-promoting habits, debunking common myths about ageing, and providing a fascinating look into the world of longevity. Discover the keys to living a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

One drawback of this book lies in its terminology. While Dr. Attia makes efforts to simplify medical jargon, certain sections may still demand a basic grasp of anatomy and physiology.

Winter's Enjoyment Central Park, George

What’s a book that is important to you?

The Little Prince: Puffin Clothbound Classics by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Embrace your inner child and keep the wonder alive with your curiosity, creativity, and imagination.

A timeless masterpiece that touches on perspectives on life, love, and human connection. This enchanting tale, originally published in 1943, speaks to people of all ages, offering simple yet powerful lessons about human nature.

The story is about a young prince who travels from planet to planet, meeting interesting characters along the way. Each meeting teaches us something important, reminding us to look beyond what we see and value what really matters in life. Through the Little Prince’s eyes, we’re reminded of the importance of staying curious, kind, and true to ourselves.

What makes “The Little Prince” so special is its ability to speak to both children and adults. Children will love its charming pictures and magical story. While adults will find deeper meaning and wisdom in its pages. It shows the value of love, friendship, and imagination. It invites us to see the world with the wonder of a child and to remember the simple truths that are often forgotten in our busy lives.

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What’s a book you couldn’t put down?

Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of any Asset, University Edition by Aswath Damodaran

It has been my trusted guide and mentor in business valuation.

This book is a cornerstone in my journey through asset valuation, specifically equities. This comprehensive guide, written by one of the greatest valuation teachers worldwide, offers an in-depth understanding of the principles and practices essential for valuing assets across various markets.

Whenever I start an equity valuation journey for a certain company, I instinctively reach for this book, relying on its guidance every step of the way.

Professor Damodaran’s book is a masterclass in investment valuation, providing clear explanations, practical examples, a narrative to make it more understandable, and a wealth of techniques that can be applied to real-world scenarios. It covers a broad range of topics, from the fundamentals of discounted cash flow valuation to the intricacies of relative valuation. For anyone serious about finance and valuations, this book is a treasure trove of knowledge that demystifies the complexities of asset valuation.

What makes “Investment Valuation” by Professor Damodaran so impactful is its practical approach. He doesn’t just present theories; he equips readers with the tools they need to apply these concepts in their own active investing endeavors. The book is structured to build your confidence, whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone simply interested in understanding how to value an investment properly. It has been instrumental in shaping my analytical skills and deepening my understanding of the financial markets. 

Professor Damodaran generously shares his wealth of knowledge through his YouTube channel, offering free access to his valuation classes. Whether you’re a student seeking to enhance your learning or an investor hungry for insights, his lectures provide invaluable resources. Click on the link here if you’re interested: Youtube/@AswathDamodaranonValuation/playlists

One downside of this book is the complex terminology. While Professor Damodaran does his best to break down the financial jargon, some parts still need a basic understanding of financial concepts.

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What similar book would readers who enjoyed ‘Zero to Hero—The Rookie Investor’s Manifesto’ also like?

A Wealth of Common Sense: Why Simplicity Trumps Complexity in Any Investment Plan (Bloomberg) by Ben Carlson

Simplifies complex financial concepts and provides practical advice and strategies to empower beginner investors.

In a world brimming with financial complexities and endless investment strategies, “A Wealth of Common Sense” by Ben Carlson emerges as a refreshing beacon of simplicity. This book, a cherished addition to my collection, has influenced my approach to investing. Carlson’s straightforward philosophy, that simplicity often trumps complexity, aligns with my own investment journey.

Carlson, a seasoned financial analyst, skillfully navigates through the noise of intricate investment theories and instead advocates for a clear, simple approach to building wealth. He offers invaluable insights on how sticking to basic, time-tested principles can lead to successful investment outcomes. Through engaging narratives and practical advice, Carlson demystifies the investment process, making it accessible for both novice and seasoned investors.

What truly resonates with me about this book is its emphasis on common sense and disciplined investing. “A Wealth of Common Sense” serves as a constant reminder that you don’t need to be a financial wizard to achieve your investment goals. Instead, a thoughtful, straightforward strategy can be incredibly effective. This book has not only shaped my investment philosophy but has also reinforced the importance of keeping things simple and staying the course. If you’re looking for a guide that cuts through the complexity and offers practical wisdom, Ben Carlson’s work is one of the must-reads. 

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What’s a book that you only read when you’re on public transport or waiting for someone? 

One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 by F.C. Minaker

diverse array of practical ideas and strategies for generating additional income

This book ignited a spark in young Warren Buffet when he stumbled upon it in the Omaha Public Library at just seven years old, greatly influencing his interest in making money from an early age.

Published in 1936, this book is a timeless guide for those seeking to boost their income and achieve greater financial security. Overflowing with clever ideas, principles, and practical advice, this book presents a treasure trove of opportunities for individuals eager to increase their earning potential through hard work, salesmanship, and resourcefulness.

Whether starting a side gig, exploring entrepreneurial ventures, or simply maximising existing resources, Minaker’s different stories of entrepreneurial success are sure to inspire and empower you on your journey towards financial stability and growth.

While it may be an older book, its wisdom remains relevant, offering timeless principles that apply even in today’s digital age. I only have a digital copy of this book, which I read on my phone. 

This is one of those books that embodies the saying, “If you want a new idea, read an old book.”